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Formal Complaints and Grievances

  • It is HOPE Services, LLC policy that all patients have the right to submit a complaint about services without fear of judgment, retaliation, or program discharge.
  • All complaints will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
  • Any complaint must be submitted in writing to the Program Director within one week of the situation occurring or becoming aware of the situation.
  • This documentation will then be reviewed by the HOPE Services, LLC Quality Assurance Department.
  • An investigation will take place, and the corporate office will step in if the grievance cannot be settled at the program management level.
  • A follow up will be done exactly one week from the date of the original grievance, and a report of the findings and follow up will be offered to the patient, as well as the patient’s legal guardian.
  • If patients or families are not satisfied with the results or feel further action is necessary, they may contact Alliance directly at (800)510-9132 or